Tuesday, September 7, 2010

20 Pound Difference

Checking In With The World

Hello my sad little blog. It's been a while since I've sat down and written about my weight loss progress. I'm happy to say that I've lost 20 pounds!!!! I'm in a little rut so I thought it might be good to revisit my starting place, get back on track, start anew. I need to go back to square one.

Things I've learned the last couple months...
1. Taking my vitamins, d
rinking lots of water, e
xercise, and b
eing diligent about Weight Watchers are HUGE and the fundamentals to weight loss success.
2. Stress and lack of sleep are a killer on your regime.
3. Sushi is still my friend.
4. Portion control! It really is not about what you eat, but about how much you eat and how often. If you know you're going to have something bad eat it early and make healthy choices for dinner.
5. Love yourself and don't be ashamed to give yourself a pat on the back or buy a new treat for getting over obstacles. This is hard and sometimes it fills like the world is against you.

Today is a fresh start. It's time to start on the next 20. It's only going to get harder, but I see better results when all the above components are coming into play. So stop, him-hawing about what you should do and just do it.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Month Bites the Dust

Praises: I actually turned down Carlock doughnut holes!

I also struggled with water intake towards the end of the month.

Monthly Lessons
1. When I don't track my points throughout the day, I tend to over eat - even if I'm writing everything down. I learned that I have to make sure I'm staying on track by being aware of my points. My iPhone app is an essential tool in this!

2. Eating when I'm on vacation isn't as bad as I thought it would be as long as I can cook my meals. Eating out just kills your points no matter what you eat!

3. When I plan to eat out, choosing what I'm going to eat at the beginning of the day and adjusting the rest of my meals around that specific meal helps to keep me where I need to be and makes sure I do not overeat.

4. Stress really takes a toll on my physical health. Headaches, stomach problems, chest pains...
It made it extremely hard for me to work out at the end of the day because I often did not feel good. I opted for a early nights sleep, which I think is also important.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

End of First Month

So I made my goal weight this month! I'm totally excited that I was able to make my first target, plus some. When I initially started I managed to gain 3 solid extra pounds, so I actually had to loose that as well, plus my original 4. Things I've learned...

1. Eating is my biggest downfall. WeighWatchers is the reason I lost my weight this month. I didn't loose anything (but actually gained) until I started. It helps me monitor my food intake, makes sure I don't over eat, allows me to get enough to nurse my little man, and encourages me to make healthier choices.

2. As I said before, sushi is my new friend! It's a great "eating out" alternative.

3. Eating out (besides sushi or something similar) is a guaranteed next day weight gain, even if I stay within my daily points. ESPECIALLY when I eat Mexican food! :( And if you're going to eat out, don't make it your dinner meal. Eat out for breakfast or lunch and have a light dinner. It gives you a chance to work it off during the day.

4. Stress makes weight loss twice as hard. When you don't feel good about yourself it's hard to find the motivation and self confidence to continue even when you're doing excellent.

Another praise...I can actually see a difference in my monthly photos. Yes, that's right I'm taking the gross pictures of me in a bra and pants to show my progress visually. When I get down to a more attractive weight I might be brave enough to post the starting weight photo alongside the new and improved me. But right now it's just plain yuck! However, I can see that I'm getting tighter in my mid-section (result of working out), which is pretty exciting for me to actually notice a change in my body just in this first month. So pat on the back there :)

Anyway, keep up the GREAT work. Don't give up. Only 11 months to go.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Keep up the good work Jonnell! Today is your second week of Weight Watchers and you have lost 6.4 pounds. Just a half pound away from your first monthly target. Don't slack off this week.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Learning Lessons

I had two very important eating habit lessons I learned this week....

1. If I'm really hungary I have absolutely NO self control. I got to dinner time last night and I was ravenous, so instead of having just one piece of Costco Cheese Pizza (which I shouldn't have had anyway) I ate two pieces...result gained a half pound. Note to self...Don't allow myself to get that hungry especially when comfort food is at hand!

2. Sushi is my friend. It is so filling and you get so much for so little points. I even questioned the point calculator when I got the results. It's just too good to be true. I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I weigh. This might be a treat I indulge in more often. Yippee!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Weight Watchers

Okay, this morning when I didn't lose anything I decided to join Weight Watchers again. The last couple days I've been journaling and noticed I eat WAY too much. Oooh big surprise there. Realistically, I can't seem to make my daughter pasta and not taste it, eat it...okay maybe devour it! So I succumbed to joining WW's online program so I can take account for what I eat, track points, and make sure I'm not eating too much without sacrificing my craving for peanut butter chips. So we'll see how this goes. I joined for 3 months, so hopefully we'll see some improvement.

On a good note, I'm doing better with working out. I've been doing excellent with my water intake, and I'm still motivated (I'd hope so, since it's only been 2 weeks only 50 more to go).

Oh, Jonnell...it's time to kick it up. No more seeing how lazy you can be. Give it your all or go home (or stay fat). I can do this!

Friday, May 7, 2010

First Week

As my first week is coming to an end, I find that I'm a little frustrated. I think that the "eating" aspect is going to be my biggest set back. I love food and it's so easy to eat a grilled cheese sandwich or a yummy bean and cheese burrito when cooking for my 3 year old. Umph...but I love the grilled cheese! Not to mention I have no self control - especially when it comes to my mom's mash potatoes.

However, it hasn't been all bad. I've done really well with my water intake and I've managed to drink a half gallon everyday. I've exercised a couple times this week and think I've found the exercise class for me...Zumba! Shake it baby!

So even though I have gained 2 pounds (argh), it's been a learning lesson. While I'm taking into consideration what I eat, I need to do better than that. I definitely can't cut corners here. Goal for next week...Cut back on the cheese and carbs (ahhh...such a sad sad life)! Eat more veggies. And stick to my "free day" rule.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Victoria's Secret Here I Come

Years back when I was losing weight for either my friend's wedding or possibly my own (can't remember) I photoshopped my head into Gisele Bundchen's body for motivation. I found it recently and it still cracks me up!

Stress Eating

Okay, so I don't plan on logging in everyday to spill my guts about every single detail of this adventure...but it's only Day 2 of 365 and I'm experiencing the onslaught of stress eating. Thank goodness this is the end of my "week" BUT to have used my free day when I've only had two days total is a little scary.

Note to self: Screaming babies, a husband I would like to scream at, a disgusting house, and an episode of crying = pancakes for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies, and pasta all before 3pm. Yikes! Not to mention I gained a pound when I did so good yesterday. Ugh.

Like I said, it's going to be a painful year. Keep an eye on the prize, stay focused, stay strong. If I'm going to be successful I have to be honest with myself. Start over, tomorrow is a new day, this next minute is a new moment. It's a life change...now go take a nap!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Journey Begins

So this is my first entry for my weight loss program. I don't expect anyone to read this, but I wanted to write down my thoughts, hopes, prayers, struggles and most importantly my successes along the way. I'm approaching 30, just had my second child a few months ago, and I'm a whopping 182.8 pounds...yuck. My goal, 135lbs by May 1, 2011. That's approximately 50lbs in 12 months. I don't think I've been 135lbs since jr. high and even then I think I skipped from the low 100's to 145. But if there is a time in my life to do it, it is NOW. No messing around, let's do this.

Honestly, my initial inspiration is my planned trip to New York City next year. No shame (okay maybe a little), but I want to look hot for my girls weekend in the city celebrating our 30th birthdays. I'm a happily married woman, but come on, who wouldn't want to put on a sexy dress and some rockin' shoes to go dancing, or go shopping in the fashion capitol of the world, or just feel confident in the way you look as you walk the streets of a very intimidating city.

I believe I've lost my ability to be confident in who I am and have become unhealthy not only in my weight but my self image. I want who I am on the outside to reflect the person I am on the inside and vise-versa. So today is my first day of a long and probably painful journey. A stepping stone in regaining a healthy position on life, a love of life, and a foundation for a solid life style. I want my children to believe in themselves, be able to accomplish any goal, and be strong in who they are. And I'm not helping them obtain those characteristics when their own mother lacks the ability to love herself enough to change, overcome challenges, and be healthy.

Plus, I'm tired of being overweight and I'm really tired of my husband looking better than me, always. Even at his heaviest (blah, blah, blah), and the six-pack has been reduced to a nice line down the middle of his abs...he's always had an incredible body. I want to stand next to him for once and think, "I look pretty good too." Change that, I want to look dam good!

In short, I'm doing this because...
It's time to be happy with who you see in the mirror.
Look hot for New York.
Be hot for husband.
And the BIGGY...Be a healthy example to my children.

And I must give credit where credit is due - I know I won't be able to do this without the love and support of my family and most importantly a strong relationship with God. Through this I also hope to obtain a spiritual fitness program/upgrade as well.

Summary of Today
SO, to start off my "life change" I went for a walk/jog, ate well today and I'm about to finish my half gallon of water I set out for myself today. I did my 100 sit-ups, but sadly couldn't do my 10 pushups because I recently hurt my wrist. Kind of bummed because it means I won't be able to play volleyball tomorrow either (a favorite of mine). From doing WeightWatchers previously I believe I actually need to eat a little more too (oh, darn) as long it's "healthy." I did excellent on not indulging on bread (except for the whole wheat pita) or juice and for anyone that knows me...that's a gigantic feat in itself. Good job, I get a pat on the back today. Now I just need to work on getting to bed at a decent hour ;)

Remember, tomorrow is a new day...take it one step at a time. Prayer Request: That I'm as excited about this 1 year from now as I am today. Stay strong and DON'T BE LAZY.