Saturday, May 1, 2010

Journey Begins

So this is my first entry for my weight loss program. I don't expect anyone to read this, but I wanted to write down my thoughts, hopes, prayers, struggles and most importantly my successes along the way. I'm approaching 30, just had my second child a few months ago, and I'm a whopping 182.8 pounds...yuck. My goal, 135lbs by May 1, 2011. That's approximately 50lbs in 12 months. I don't think I've been 135lbs since jr. high and even then I think I skipped from the low 100's to 145. But if there is a time in my life to do it, it is NOW. No messing around, let's do this.

Honestly, my initial inspiration is my planned trip to New York City next year. No shame (okay maybe a little), but I want to look hot for my girls weekend in the city celebrating our 30th birthdays. I'm a happily married woman, but come on, who wouldn't want to put on a sexy dress and some rockin' shoes to go dancing, or go shopping in the fashion capitol of the world, or just feel confident in the way you look as you walk the streets of a very intimidating city.

I believe I've lost my ability to be confident in who I am and have become unhealthy not only in my weight but my self image. I want who I am on the outside to reflect the person I am on the inside and vise-versa. So today is my first day of a long and probably painful journey. A stepping stone in regaining a healthy position on life, a love of life, and a foundation for a solid life style. I want my children to believe in themselves, be able to accomplish any goal, and be strong in who they are. And I'm not helping them obtain those characteristics when their own mother lacks the ability to love herself enough to change, overcome challenges, and be healthy.

Plus, I'm tired of being overweight and I'm really tired of my husband looking better than me, always. Even at his heaviest (blah, blah, blah), and the six-pack has been reduced to a nice line down the middle of his abs...he's always had an incredible body. I want to stand next to him for once and think, "I look pretty good too." Change that, I want to look dam good!

In short, I'm doing this because...
It's time to be happy with who you see in the mirror.
Look hot for New York.
Be hot for husband.
And the BIGGY...Be a healthy example to my children.

And I must give credit where credit is due - I know I won't be able to do this without the love and support of my family and most importantly a strong relationship with God. Through this I also hope to obtain a spiritual fitness program/upgrade as well.

Summary of Today
SO, to start off my "life change" I went for a walk/jog, ate well today and I'm about to finish my half gallon of water I set out for myself today. I did my 100 sit-ups, but sadly couldn't do my 10 pushups because I recently hurt my wrist. Kind of bummed because it means I won't be able to play volleyball tomorrow either (a favorite of mine). From doing WeightWatchers previously I believe I actually need to eat a little more too (oh, darn) as long it's "healthy." I did excellent on not indulging on bread (except for the whole wheat pita) or juice and for anyone that knows me...that's a gigantic feat in itself. Good job, I get a pat on the back today. Now I just need to work on getting to bed at a decent hour ;)

Remember, tomorrow is a new day...take it one step at a time. Prayer Request: That I'm as excited about this 1 year from now as I am today. Stay strong and DON'T BE LAZY.

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