Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Checking In With The World

Hello my sad little blog. It's been a while since I've sat down and written about my weight loss progress. I'm happy to say that I've lost 20 pounds!!!! I'm in a little rut so I thought it might be good to revisit my starting place, get back on track, start anew. I need to go back to square one.

Things I've learned the last couple months...
1. Taking my vitamins, d
rinking lots of water, e
xercise, and b
eing diligent about Weight Watchers are HUGE and the fundamentals to weight loss success.
2. Stress and lack of sleep are a killer on your regime.
3. Sushi is still my friend.
4. Portion control! It really is not about what you eat, but about how much you eat and how often. If you know you're going to have something bad eat it early and make healthy choices for dinner.
5. Love yourself and don't be ashamed to give yourself a pat on the back or buy a new treat for getting over obstacles. This is hard and sometimes it fills like the world is against you.

Today is a fresh start. It's time to start on the next 20. It's only going to get harder, but I see better results when all the above components are coming into play. So stop, him-hawing about what you should do and just do it.

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